Support Local Business Owners You Care About

MFC Business Connect LLC specializes in linking California State Accredited investors to small business owners. We are creating a community of stronger, more efficient, and more resilient small business owners to navigate through current and future challenges.

MFC Business Connect grants business owners with great exposure to capital around the world without any costs or fees to the business.

We specialize in linking small business owners to accredited investors worldwide. With our easy and efficient process business owners can dramatically accelerate their growth. Alternatively, investors have access to unique companies seeking early-stage financing often not found anywhere else publicly.

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Free service for Business Owners

Investors gain unique opportunities to invest within their local communities

Zero Participations within Negotiations

Free service for Business Owners

Our unique operating structure allows for MFC to charge zero monthly payments, zero sign up costs, and zero investment fees if business receives capital. Business owners receive 95% of the total invested capital; MFC charges 5% of the investment for our services provided.

Investors gain unique opportunities to invest within their local communities

Have you ever wanted to own a piece of your favorite local brewery, restaurant, or consumer product that is locally manufactured? MFC Business Connect provides accredited investors with the ability to browse small businesses seeking capital to further expand their operations. With unique businesses constantly being added to the site registered investors can browse through current listings and even view their own dashboard to see how previous investments are doing.

Zero Participations within Negotiations

MFC Business Connect does not participate in negotiations held between investors and business owners. This allows for quicker and more effective investments to take place. Each deal does not adhere to one structure and can be taken individually to pay respect to the differences amongst each business. This process becomes more personable to both parties involved. Investors are more enticed to stay in contact and build a personable relationship with the business owners. Inversely business owners can meet their partners and come to terms without the influence of a third party.

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Blue Water Corporation

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Lehman Brothers


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